My Three
I hope I don't offend any of my family members who may read this, but aside from God, I have three main people that are my world. Mainly, this comes from being physically close and therefore being able to spend more time together. These three people are Matt, Anabeth, and my mom. I will admit that I am working daily on making sure I put Matt first because I think as any parent knows, it can be hard sometimes to not put your child(ren) first. I mean, especially when they're these sweet, precious little people...not when they're teenagers : ) All that said, I absolutely treasure the time I get to spend with these three wonderful people! Anabeth absolutely loves her Mimi and loves going to her house. She has a slide in the back yard for her and my brother and sister-in-law got her a cleaning cart for Christmas. No, not being mean or as a kid is a clean freak and does not like anything dirty or messy!!! It was sincerely one of her favorite gifts! She loves to take her broom and spray bottle outside and she sweeps Mimi's patio and cleans her slide. Last night, she was standing at the top of the slide and was "spraying the moon". It was quite precious! She has also learned about bugs. She's been too young in the past to really understand, but now she's quite willing and quick to say "No bugs"!!! She doesn't like them at all and if she doesn't know what something is, it's a bug to her. My funny story for the day comes from last night. We were eating dinner at Mimi's and Anabeth was playing with her fork. Apparently her fork hurt her (I never saw anything, but I'm just mom) and so she proceeded to say "Pank my fork" and spanked her fork. After it got the appropriate spanking, she then "put my fork in pime out". The fork was in time out for a while and in multiple places...I guess she couldn't figure out the place it would least like to be. She has also started putting herself in time out...only it's not when she's bad. I have to tell her she doesn't need to be there and she'll get up. Last night, she also broke a statue on Mimi's porch. It was a complete accident as she was putting it down and had no idea she couldn't just drop it like she does everything else. It broke into 3 pieces and she became very upset! I kept trying to assure her that when things are accidents, we don't get in trouble. She went in and apologized to Mimi and said "I no get in touble". She was still a little sad at this point, but Mimi came outside and made everything better as only Mimi can! Tonight I get to actually spend the night at home. I absolutely love my mom and enjoy any extra time we have together, but I miss sleeping at home and I miss time with Matt and Anabeth. I sincerely don't think I could have asked for a better husband or child...we all have our moments...and I know I couldn't have ever imagined having a better mom! Then I remember that God knows all and gives us who and what we need! My family is definitely what I need because they make me laugh so hard it hurts and when I cry, they are there to listen or just give me a hug and support!
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