hummingbird, koala, or blue whale

I started to just call this human garbage disposal, but didn't think that was nice to compare my child to. After a little research, I found that there are 3 animals that have to eat pretty much constantly. These are the hummingbird, koala, and blue whale. I'm going to call Anabeth a koala. She's too big to be a hummingbird and hopefully she's not going to make it to blue whale size anytime soon! Let me explain why this even came about. My child literally will eat constantly if you let her. Yesterday, she ate breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack at school. I picked her up and we went to Mimi's to take her grocery shopping and get dinner. In the car, she had 2 crackers my mom brought and some water. We went to Publix and there, they offer a free cookie to any child under 12 years old. She got her chocolate chip cookie and ate that. As we're going through the store, she's pointing at multiple things she'd like and we finally pick up some of her fave things that mom was out of. I had to open the bag and get her a box in the store. As you can see in the above picture, she also decided she needed bananas. We finally make it out of the store...after she asked for almost everything she saw...and probably would have eaten it. We go get our pizza and head to Mimi's  house. Once at Mimi's house, she decides she wants a hot dog. She eats over 1/2 the hot dog while we get our dinner ready. She also ate some of a banana. Mimi has decided that Frosty is apparently a year long event and won't put it away, so Anabeth wants to watch Frosty. When it's almost over, she comes to the table and eats a slice of my mom's pizza. She also eats a little more hot dog. My mom's birthday cake from Sunday isn't going to be good for much longer, so we divide what's left and Anabeth eats a little of that. On the way home, she drank a cup of orange juice to top it all off. I sincerely don't know how someone so small can eat so much! Matt and I are hoping she slows down or we'll eventually go broke feeding her! I guess the good thing is that she generally chooses good food over junk food...she loves fruit! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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