Daddy's Little Girl
Since Matt's been out of town this week, I've had time for reflection. Each morning Anabeth has asked where her daddy is and everyday when I pick her up she says, "I go home see daddy". I have to remind her that he's not home and is out of town for work. She thinks "daddy go bye bye on airplane?" To say I love this girl is a vast understatement, but that's not the point of this blog. With matt being gone, I've been reminded how much Anabeth loves her daddy. He always says that he's chop liver and she never wants him, but I have been reminded of the past couple of years. From the time she was born, she's been watching football with her daddy. He would hold her in his lap and eventually she's become able to sit beside him and watch. Some of her first words were touchdown and tackle. Before she was 2 she knew the difference. We even DVRd a game because she LOVES football. I believe this is in part because it's a special time with her daddy. Not that I don't enjoy a football game, but nothing like him. He was born and raised in Pennsylvania, so Penn State and the Steelers are his teams. Nothing other than football qualifies as a sport in our house. Baseball is a very distant second to him and I'm slowly getting him into the joy of college basketball. Anabeth also has learned that daddy does a lot with tools. Everytime we go anywhere and she sees a lawnmower, weed eater, or tool of any kind, she gets very excited and says "my daddy". Like most kids, I'm sure, she's gone through phases of who she wants to put her to bed. She also typically wants whoever is not there when she's upset. I can definitely tell she misses her daddy and I've had to call him the past 2 mornings so she can talk to him before she goes to school. She also talks to him before she goes to bed...other than Monday night because I was busy and forgot...sorry babe! This reflection has not only reminded me of the love my child has for her daddy, but how much I love him and also how much I love seeing him with her! There's not much sweeter than seeing her "helping" daddy or watching football or something else with her daddy. I think she's going to be a very happy girl when she sees him Friday morning...or if she wakes up Thursday night when he gets home! I hope if you read this, you're also reminded of how much Anabeth loves you and you know how much she misses her daddy! I love my little family and though I'm sort of enjoying the peace and solitude after Anabeth goes to bed, I'll be happy when Thursday night gets here!
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