
Hey all. For those that don't know me...and some that do...I thought I'd give you a little background of me. I was born and raised in New Bern, NC and came into the world 5 years after my brother David. For some reason, I've never been able to call him David, so he's "Brother". My parents had custody of 3 of my cousins when I was born and so my mom had a lot of help. I was fortunate to grow up in a Christian home and went to church from birth. I have a very large family. My mom had 6 siblings and now has 5. My dad had 4 and now has 3. I have over 20 cousins and my family has always been close. When I was in middle school, my mom was diagnosed with Scleroderma. I can't remember how long after, she was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Fibrosis. She wasn't suppose to live to see me graduate from high school. My parents divorced the year I graduated from college and life has been different. My mom moved to Florida to be on Mayo Clinic's lung transplant list. I moved to Richmond, VA for my first job and that's where I met Matt. Matt and I worked together for around a year and a half before we decided to start dating, but my heart was telling me I needed to be closer to my mom. I couldn't get a job in Jacksonville at the time, so I moved to St. Petersburg...still much closer than Richmond. I wasn't sure what this would mean for Matt and I, but he proposed 6 months later and we were married about a year after that. We got our first "baby" Sadie...the neurotic weimaraner...and on her first birthday I brought home my boy...the uncontrollable german shorthair pointer Remington. I found a job in Jacksonville and Matt was able to also, so we moved in March of 2007. A few months after we moved, I totalled my car and went through a few months of chiropractor visits. That December, my mom decided to go to Africa for 6 months. I was very upset, but knew it was something she felt she had to do. That February, I brought home a cat that was about to starve and my poor Sadie just looked at me. She had enjoyed being an only child and now I kept adding to the family! In April, we found out I was pregnant with Anabeth while my mom was back from Africa. She was suppose to go back, but that convinced her to stay! December brought Anabeth and a whole new world for us! Well, this background has gotten long, but hope it's helped you get to know me! I love my family and friends and I'm so grateful that I have the church I have to call home away from home!


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