"On and On"
Well, if I haven't already said this, I love music! I can find a perfect song for any time in my life. I do go through times where I don't want to listen to music, but the love is always there! A newer song that I really love now is "On and On" by Chasen. The chorus is: :"Some say we need a miracle; Some say there's no hope at all; But I know that Your love is strong, it goes on and on; and on and on; Rise up when it gets us down; It'll be the voice in a blaring crowd; Because we know Your love will lead us home; it goes on and on and on and on..." I have to say that I relate to this on SO many levels! I have people I sometimes say I don't think there's any hope for them aside from a miracle. For myself, I try to push through and try my best not to complain. Obviously I'm not close to perfect, but I really do make an effort to just think of the positive in things. I recently found myself in a situation that left me realizing I hadn't done a good job. I found myself almost competing because someone was telling me how stressful their life was and I couldn't believe it because mine was so much worse. How could they possibly complain about such minor things. Unfortunately it wasn't an immediate realization that I was being crazy, but I did finally realize that each person has things that they can't handle. I realized that it's a blessing for this person to have this stress and that there's nothing worse going on. What came to mind was "God doesn't give us more than we can handle". I can honestly say I've had my doubts recently about God's judgement and I've thought maybe He was on Spring Break, but then I realized that as always, what comes my way is always meant to better myself, my friends, my family, and hopefully people can see that there's someone with me driving me to try to be my best every day and that this "person" is the only one that can get us through anything we face. I am seeing my blessings that I have and realizing that I needed this person complaining about "nothing" to make me realize that maybe things are harder for me than them, but their problems are just as important and that I should never belittle anyone's feelings because they're just as valid as mine. Thanks God for the wake up because I was truly starting to wallow in self pity and well, that's just not me! I have had some serious blessings recently with being able to spend so much time with my mom and help her with things. I miss Matt while he's gone during the week, but it's given me and Anabeth some time alone and extra time with my mom. Anabeth has also gotten to spend time with her "Ganny" on Tuesdays until daddy isn't traveling anymore. Hopefully, if you're reading this and thinking about all of your problems, you can realize that yes, you do have things going on that can be pretty bad, but dwelling on that and getting upset and frustrated is only going to make your life more difficult! Try to find the good in all situations...I KNOW sometimes is a lot harder than others, but there's always something good and if nothing else, it's making you a stronger person. I feel like I should be able to move a mountain after the past few months : ) I honestly wouldn't change things though because it's all made me who I am today and for the most part, I think it's all made me a better person and closer to God!
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