Adventurous Life

Life is full of adventures and I've found the best adventures and memories come often from unexpected events. Last night sparked my thinking about some adventures I've had. One adventure that wasn't exactly fun, but I can look back and laugh at now was when I was in college. I had parked to go to class and when I came out, my car was gone. I searched thinking I had forgotten where I parked, but came to the realization my car had been towed. Fortunately it was a terribly long walk to where I worked at the time. I walk there and call the police station to get my thoughts confirmed and they tell me where I can find my car. In the meantime, it starts raining. I have to walk a good distance to class in the rain with my umbrella in my car. My best friend comes to pick me up and we try to locate this place to no avail and I end up having to wait until the next day to get my car. The most frustrating part is someone had JUST left the spot I parked in and apparently it was suppose to have a yellow curb, but the paint was so faded you couldn't tell. Fun stuff! My poor parents had to drive a little less than an hour a couple of times to unlock my car for me because I'd locked my keys in. We realized after the 2nd time it's best to give my spare key to someone closer. A much more pleasant memory was recently when I was going to take my mom to get groceries. Going over the bridge, Anabeth decided she wanted to go look at boats. I told her we'd have to ask Mimi if she knew where we could go...thinking she'd forget. Well, my genius child remembered and off we went to watch boats launch into the river and watch them go by. After that, we went to grab lunch and eat at "Uncle's" house and play on the playground across the street. She had a lot of fun! Recently with Matt traveling, he's been taking her to the park on Fridays after he picks her up from school and she's been LOVING that! Last night, however, was the most recent adventure. "Uncle Chad" just got back from being deployed. He needed to do some laundry, so we grabbed dinner and were heading back to the house. We stopped to get gas and ice cream. When I was getting Anabeth out of the car, I was talking to Chad and got distracted. I close the door and start to look for my keys and I'm told they're in the car. He saw them and assumed I hadn't locked the doors yet. Well, we call Mimi and while we shop for ice cream and crackers, Mimi comes to the rescue. We get to the check out line and Anabeth sees cupcakes. I figure, she's earned a cupcake knowing she's going to have to play in the parking lot for a little while. Mimi arrives and unfortunately doesn't have a spare key, so she takes us home where Matt's key is and then we head back to get my car. I have to say that she kept us entertained in the parking lot and seemed to have a good time...despite the weird looks from people as if they're asking why we don't just get in our car already. Needless to say, Anabeth got to bed a little late last night. Being my child, she's bound to soon learn life is never dull for long and learn to laugh at the bad things in life because even bad situations can make for fun memories and good times! Thanks to all of my family and friends that have provided so many fun, unexpected memories and adventures not listed above...I've had such a blast I could never cover it all in one blog! Not to mention, there are probably some secrets best kept as secrets : ) Love you all!


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