Let me start by saying I'm happily married and haven't ever thought of my marriage as bad. We have our issues like everyone, but we both love each other and don't question it. A few weeks ago, I got an invitation to join a Bible study. I'd really been wanting to get into one as I've been horrible about praying and reading my Bible. I was told this was a women's Bible study called "For Women Only". Awesome, I'm thinking, I can get to know some ladies at church and have a good time on Sunday evenings. Little did I know that in just 2 weeks of going to a Bible study my world could be so rocked! If you're one of those ladies that believes everything between and man and woman has to be exactly equal and you can do anything as good as or better than your husband...you may not want to read on. To be honest though, I was that exact lady just 2 weeks ago! The problem is, it's not about whether or not we can do things as well as or better than our husbands...it's about making him happy which in turn, will make us happy! Our society has painted such an awful picture of what relationships should be and in the off event that you actually choose to get married, it has to be equal or it's not fair. I think for me at least, my approach isn't working. Again, Matt and I are very happy together, but I think any relationship always involves work and attention. The book that goes along with the study came from tons of interviews with all kinds of men and surveys completed by all kinds of men. I won't say that the entire thing so far has been a complete revelation, but I've been very shocked by things I've learned and I have had a major revelation for myself. I can't continue to keep score if I'm going to be truly happy and have a truly happy marriage! I have to get away from what society tells me I'm suppose to do and evaluate my relationship for the unique thing it is. I have to stop before doing and saying things and make sure I have the best intentions and realize that my husband truly is only doing what he is doing to make me happy. Sure, he may not do it when or how I want him to, but why do I feel compelled to point every mistake out? Why can I not see that I'm absolutely no more perfect than he is and I make more than my share of mistakes?!? This man loves me for who I am and is giving me everything he has, and it's enough! Especially the past few weeks when he's been traveling, I've gotten a little overwhelmed at times. I said to myself that I had to make a list of things for him to do since he has the day off on Fridays. However, how much sense does it make to put things off I can have done to prove a point? Why can't I get everything I can done before he gets home so he can relax and we can enjoy time together not having to do house work?!? I know it's going to be tiring and exhausting, but it's going to make my weekends with him so much more enjoyable...especially until he can stop having to travel. For me, I realize I have to do more than I sometimes think I should because he's sacrificing so much to provide for Anabeth and me. The man loves me more than anyone else...aside from God...and he loves his little girl more than words! If he can love me when I do stupid and mean things, I can certainly sacrifice some of my relaxation time to have more time with him and to let him rest when he gets home and not have to worry about what he's going to have to do! Now, hear me when I say that this is going to be a work in progress and I'm never going to be a perfect wife, but I do have to try harder than I have been and I have to make my husband the top priority because according to all these men, their wife controls their happiness. Why wouldn't I want to be the source of his happiness?!?!? I love you Matt and I miss you SO much!!!
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