
Showing posts from 2020

Faith vs. Trump

I keep thinking people are going to wake up and see Trump for who he is, but I have come to realize that any supporters he has left are dug in. Let me say, I do not believe that Trump has created racism. Trump hasn't created sexism. Trump hasn't created anything. What Trump has done is give hate a voice. Trump made fun of disabled people in his original campaign. Trump made racist comments during his original campaign. Trump fueled hatred of immigrants during his original campaign. Trump used campaign funds to pay off a porn star. Trump has cheated on every wife. Trump was openly pro choice until he put his name into the hat for the republican party presidential candidate. Why did I ever have hope? I ask myself this ALL THE TIME! There are some that have been honest enough to admit they made a mistake. The ones that are so disheartening are the "Christians" that not only still support him, but refuse to admit he isn't a good person. What's worse than the blind...

#blacklivesmatter vs. #alllivesmatter

Unless you’re living under a rock, you have no doubt been reading and hearing the arguments of #blacklivesmatter vs. #alllivesmatter. You’ve also, if paying attention, noticed that the #alllivesmatter rebuttal is coming from just one place… white people. Some of my recent posts have gotten comments saying how “everyone is enraged”, however, it’s just not true. While more and more people are responding to the horrific murders, not everyone is enraged. If everyone was truly enraged, there wouldn’t be a #blacklivesmatter movement. If you’re like me, you may not have had much, if any, interest in history. I didn’t really get interested in history until the past few years. Let me give you a few facts that may help… From the beginning of America’s known existence, white people have not done a good job. We “discovered” America and instead of making any attempts to peacefully coexist with the Native Americans who already lived here, we murdered, raped, and stole anyone and anything to g...