#blacklivesmatter vs. #alllivesmatter
Unless you’re living under a rock, you have no doubt been
reading and hearing the arguments of #blacklivesmatter vs. #alllivesmatter. You’ve
also, if paying attention, noticed that the #alllivesmatter rebuttal is coming
from just one place… white people. Some of my recent posts have gotten comments
saying how “everyone is enraged”, however, it’s just not true. While more and
more people are responding to the horrific murders, not everyone is enraged. If
everyone was truly enraged, there wouldn’t be a #blacklivesmatter movement. If
you’re like me, you may not have had much, if any, interest in history. I didn’t
really get interested in history until the past few years. Let me give you a
few facts that may help…
From the beginning of America’s known existence, white
people have not done a good job. We “discovered” America and instead of making
any attempts to peacefully coexist with the Native Americans who already lived
here, we murdered, raped, and stole anyone and anything to get where and what
we wanted. We came with zero rights to overtake people and property, yet that’s
what happened. Fast forward and you’ll find us in a civil war. That’s right… we
can’t even get along with each other. While the civil war wasn’t totally
started and based on slavery, that’s what kept the war going. Many southern
states seceded from the United States and all because they wanted to keep their
slaves. Grant was actually criticized for not treating slaves worse and they
tried to talk him into selling the one slave he had to make money instead of
letting the man go free. You may say that this is where it all ends… quite
honestly, I was ignorant enough to believe that for most of my life. It’s not.
We also have exploited other minorities since the beginning
of our time. We have used Hispanics for their cheap labor while dehumanizing
them and treating them like trash. Many put them all into stereotypes of lazy,
criminals, and/or leeches on society. So many make assumptions that if they see
a Hispanic person, they’re here illegally. I guess they’ve forgotten that they
were the first illegals.
White privilege is real. It’s something I used
to think was exaggerated. It’s not. It seems that no matter how black people
try to get equal rights and treatment, it’s not the right way. There’s always
criticism… from white people. Athletes try to use their influence to peacefully
kneel at sports events. Kaepernick took the time to meet with a military man to
ask what the most respectful way to protest would be and this man told him
kneeling would be it. So, someone who has military experience tells him this is
a respectful way to protest and collective white America loses their minds. It
even goes as far as the “president” calling these athletes vulgar names and
calling for them to be terminated from their jobs. So, they’re not allowed to
riot (I am against physical violence), but they’re also not allowed to
peacefully protest? Exactly what is it that white Americans believe they’re
allowed to do? When will you realize that you don’t get to tell them how to
respond to their deep pain and anger? How long do you suppose they’re supposed
to sit back and pretend like everything is ok and they’re not in danger? When
is the last time you were legitimately scared to walk around your neighborhood
after dark? When is the last time you were stopped by the police for a minor
traffic violation and worried about something other than a ticket? When is the
last time you were scared just to be you? As a mother, I can’t imagine what
mothers of black or other minority children feel. I can’t imagine their fear or
anger. When will white people realize that there isn’t a superior race? The
saddest part is most of these people claim to be Christians. I know I’ve
pointed this out before, but Jesus wasn’t white. Not only was Jesus not white,
but we were instructed, by Jesus, to love foreigners and EVERYONE! We’re to
love them. Not question where they came from. Not accuse them of being
criminals. Not pretend like our skin color makes us any better. Stop preaching
your love for Jesus and acting in direct opposition with the way you speak of
and treat people who look or act differently than you do. Do I agree with riots
and looting? Not personally, but then, I can’t personally begin to understand
the anger, sadness, and frustration of not being seen or heard for hundreds of
years. Until you can, maybe you can sit back and listen instead of speaking
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