Faith vs. Trump

I keep thinking people are going to wake up and see Trump for who he is, but I have come to realize that any supporters he has left are dug in. Let me say, I do not believe that Trump has created racism. Trump hasn't created sexism. Trump hasn't created anything. What Trump has done is give hate a voice. Trump made fun of disabled people in his original campaign. Trump made racist comments during his original campaign. Trump fueled hatred of immigrants during his original campaign. Trump used campaign funds to pay off a porn star. Trump has cheated on every wife. Trump was openly pro choice until he put his name into the hat for the republican party presidential candidate. Why did I ever have hope? I ask myself this ALL THE TIME! There are some that have been honest enough to admit they made a mistake. The ones that are so disheartening are the "Christians" that not only still support him, but refuse to admit he isn't a good person. What's worse than the blind faith in and support of Trump is what they're doing to Christianity. People are looking to those of  us who profess to love and believe in Jesus and some have either left the church or decided they never want to have anything to do with a religion that would support such a man. While we're not responsible for anyone else's salvation, we're to live a life reflecting who Jesus is. I have heard far too often that you can't be a Democrat and a Christian. I mean, Democrats are clearly from the pits of hell, so I guess I get it. 

Apparently the only thing that makes you a Christian anymore is blindly supporting Trump and voting Republican no matter who the candidate is because then babies won't be murdered. Unfortunately, Democrats are the party that have historically had lower abortion rates. Why you may ask? We don't presume to judge a female if she chooses to have sex before marriage. We're more than happy to provide free or low cost birth control to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. We also don't presume to believe that a girl can choose to not be raped and have that rape result in a pregnancy. You see, what actually decreases abortions is access to birth control and sex education... two things the republican party are not fans of. Many of the republicans that vote against abortion have paid for their adulteresses to have abortions. The bottom line though is that it's no one's business why or when someone decides to get on birth control. We hold the women responsible and never say a word about the men but guess what? women can't get themselves pregnant! Yet another time those "small government" folks want the government to control what people are allowed or not allowed to do.

Another hypocrisy that has come about in the past few years is this whole matter of "all lives matter" and "black lives matter" is racist. Nevermind the same "all lives matter" people are the ones posting "blue lives matter". So, all races are important, just not all occupations? Firemen don't matter? Teachers don't matter? Nurses don't matter? I think you've gotten the point of how ridiculous you are. 

Then we reach the LGBTQ community. They have been persecuted since the beginning of time it seems. I keep hearing how we want small government, but you want the government to be allowed to take away their rights? Why do people refuse to see that one person having rights doesn't take away their own? If you don't believe they were born the way they are, so what? As I have said many times, it's a sin to abuse someone, cheat on your spouse, and many others, but I never see outrage and trying to strip those people of their rights. 

Women, ah women... it's SO sad that we're still so undervalued. We still have to fight for our place to not be barefoot and pregnant at home. The big problem here is that we have Republicans that yelled about Christine Ford coming forward with her story about Kavanaugh and the immediate response that she was lying (before she ever spoke), but we're supposed to fall in line with support for a completely unqualified supreme court justice just because she's a woman. She's a woman that is an "originalist", which means she doesn't have the right to vote let alone be on the supreme court. You want to disregard women who don't fit your agenda and then get angry when we validly don't support a different woman. 

Oh the comparisons of Trump to Biden. I can't even! You try to compare a man who is overly affectionate to a man who has bragged about sexually assaulting women, made crude statements about his own daughter, walked into pageant dressing rooms where teens were naked or barely dressed, and expect me to take that seriously?!? First, you completely belittle those of us that have been sexually assaulted, molested, and/or raped. Second, there is a HUGE difference in someone being uncomfortable and someone being a pedophile! Please know the difference and stop making ignorant and harmful posts! 

To conclude, one day, I pray very hard that old, rich, white men won't rule the world. They do not represent the majority of anything except money. You expect respect, but then generously post demeaning jokes and memes about anyone that's not in your party. The republican party has to admit they sold their souls and stop pretending Trump is the second coming of Christ for me to ever take you seriously again. One thing we agree on, I believe God is always in control and I believe Trump is in the white house because God allowed it. What we disagree on... God allows bad things to happen. He tests us. We don't always pass the test. If you're still supporting Trump and declaring how great of a man and Christian he is, you have failed the test. Trump isn't a Christian anymore than either of my dogs are. The hypocrisy HAS TO STOP! 


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