Rules for a good, happy life...
So, I don't know how many I will come up with, but apparently steroids make me philosophical lol. Hopefully this can help someone...or at least make you smile! 1. Love people and spend time with those important to you! This seems obvious to me, but I realize it's not to everyone. If you do this, realizing you're not always the most lovable, you can have so much more happiness and less regret! I don't know how people go through life otherwise! This also leaves you complete and never having those terrible feelings of "what if" or "why didn't I" when you lose someone you love! Don't just say you love someone, show it. Words don't mean a lot anymore! 2. Another that seemed obvious, be your kid (s)' number one fan and biggest cheerleader! I actually had a mom tell me one time that her kids weren't anything special, but they were ok. That broke my heart for her kids! If she'd tell a stranger, I can only imagine her kids know how ...