Rules for a good, happy life...

So, I don't know how many I will come up with, but apparently steroids make me philosophical lol. Hopefully this can help someone...or at least make you smile!

1. Love people and spend time with those important to you! This seems obvious to me, but I realize it's not to everyone. If you do this, realizing you're not always the most lovable, you can have so much more happiness and less regret! I don't know how people go through life otherwise! This also leaves you complete and never having those terrible feelings of "what if" or "why didn't I" when you lose someone you love! Don't just say you love someone, show it. Words don't mean a lot anymore!
2. Another that seemed obvious, be your kid (s)' number one fan and biggest cheerleader! I actually had a mom tell me one time that her kids weren't anything special, but they were ok. That broke my heart for her kids! If she'd tell a stranger, I can only imagine her kids know how she feels! You may be the only person they ever have that believes in them against all odds! Unless your kid turns to a life of crime, you should celebrate every success and pick them up after every defeat and help them learn the lesson!
3. If you're married, love your spouse! Yes, I seem to be giving the most blatantly obvious advice, but I see so many people that clearly aren't happy. Again, you're no golden prize every day, so cut your spouse some slack. Make sure they always know that they can be themselves and make mistakes. Not to say you won't ever be mad or disagree, but don't make them live in anticipation of one mistake being their demise. Also, if/when you have kids, make sure your spouse is still put first. As a mom, I know the struggle, but let's really keep our priorities straight because those precious little drools and snotters won't live with you forever, but hopefully your spouse will. It's also just not good for any human to think the planet revolves around them, so give them the love and attention they need, but also teach them that your spouse is top in your life. It's amazingly reassuring for kids!
4. Be the kind of person that people want to be around! Let people confide in you knowing that it will be kept confidential. No, these don't have to be your best friends...sometimes people need someone to give a fresh perspective or just listen. Don't always feel you have to answer or solve the problem. They may just want to vent.
5. Laugh with people you may not know and help a stranger you see struggling. I promise you're not too good to be a temporary friend to anyone...and it could turn into a strong friendship you never expected!
6. Do something unexpected expecting nothing in return! Don't do anything for anyone if it's out of a place where you want something back. It may never happen, and that's never a good reason to do anything anyway.
7. God has given you interests and abilities that no one else has. Use them. Use them for number 6, for stress relief, or teach someone a special skill you have. Spend time doing things you love so you don't find yourself one day feeling like your life was a waste. Bless someone every chance you get and have fun!
8. Give your time and money to a worthy cause. With all the charities around, you're bound to be able to find one you'd like to support. This will help you stay humble and it can provide you a way to use those gifts and talents!
9. Have downtime! Especially as a mom, I need a little time each day to myself and that's ok. It helps me recharge for my family and gives me a little time to do whatever I want. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed with's easy to do! Your spouse and kids will appreciate it.
10. Never intentionally lie...especially to a kid! There is nothing more heartbreaking as a mom than having your child in tears because someone made a promise and didn't keep it. It's only worse when it happens repeatedly and you eventually have to cover for people or not tell your kid about things until they really happen for fear of another broken heart! If you're an adult, your word is all you have. Be honest with everyone...even when it may hurt.

Be someone with exceptional character that people are drawn to and look forward to being around! You don't need 100s of friends, but you need to let people know you're real. Never use someone for something you can't or won't do for yourself. Accept people's offers to's their gift and way of blessing others! Never be to proud to admit you were wrong or aren't perfect! We're all wrong about something and no one is perfect. Love people that aren't like you...they can be the best friends and teachers you'll ever have! Love have to start somewhere! If you don't like something about yourself, change're the only one that can!


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