Political Craziness
Ok, so this has bothered me for quite some time so I guess I'll speak up about it. I can take a political joke as well as the next person and think it's pretty funny, regardless of the political party being made fun of. What I can't take, however, is people who make crazy assumptions because they believe they're right and everyone who thinks otherwise is wrong. I've been a registered democrat for a few years now, but I tell you in all honesty, I don't like the republican or democratic parties. Just because you're a democrat doesn't mean that you're lazy and accept or want hand outs. I can honestly tell you that I know more republicans that want a hand out than democrats. My husband and I work hard for what we have and what we want and don't expect anyone to give us anything. Neither of us would quit working to live off of someone else if given the option because we believe that we are responsible for our family and no one else is. I also know of people that are republicans that are pro-choice and not pro-life. I, for one, am pro-life and I don't feel like ever having been a democrat affects my stance on that. I also don't believe that being a registered democrat makes me any less Christian than others. As I said, I have come to the point where I honestly can't get on board with either side. Republicans have the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer while the democrats keep allowing people more and more of an opportunity to leach off of the government...I have serious problems with both scenarios! I honestly have to laugh at people who say that everyone has equal opportunity because that's about the farthest thing from the truth I've ever heard! There are some people that just aren't born with high intellect and special abilities and then there are others born with such high intellect, they sail through school without ever studying. These people do not have equal opportunity as we all know the same company will not hire them both for the same job or same pay! What they do both have is equal opportunity to work hard and support themselves and any family they may have. Until our economic downturn, there was no excuse for someone willing and able to work to not be able to support themselves or family. The people that "can't" afford things almost always are poor decision makers and base decisions on immediate gratification and not actually planning and saving. No one likes to spend money like I do, but I also appreciate much more knowing that if my husband or I lose our job, we have a cushion to help until we can get another job. I much prefer to know my child is taken care of and we don't have to worry about not being able to pay for her school and being able to allow her to play sports or whatever she may like to do. My child doesn't, and never will, have everything she wants! I apologize if some of this is rambling, but all of this to say...have some common sense. Don't be so judgmental because there are choices you make and things you do that I can guarantee people find questionable! If you don't agree with someone, that makes the perfect time for adult, mature conversation...maybe you can learn something from them. If we all agreed with each other and thought the same way, this would be such a boring place! God made us all different for a reason and God created democrats just like he did republicans.
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