The DL on Me...In Five Ways

Sooo, my friend Lindsey just did a blog post like this and tagged me to answer her questions!  Here goes.

  1. Post the rules (that’d be these 5 things here.)
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post (below)
  3. Create at least 5 new question.  (Merp)
  4. Tag some peeps and link them to your post.
  5. Let em know they’ve been tagged!
The questions (dun, dun duuuuun):

1.  What is your favorite quote and why?
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt
I think I like this so much because it can be so easy to get down on yourself for things and having negative opinions from others makes it so much easier. We have to remember we were created in the image of God and though we'll never be perfect, we're always who we're suppose to be!

2.  What will you be doing in five years?
What I would like to be doing in five years is having a craft business that would allow me to quit my job. I'm so not a desk job kind of person and I love being creative and making things for other people!

3.  What makes your soul happy, that makes you jump out of bed?  (haha cheesy!)
My child, my husband, my friends...and most of my family : ) I love the company of other people and am definitely not the kind of person that likes a ton of alone time. People inspire me, teach me, and make me a better person!

4.  What is the best party you've ever been to with details and why?
A lot of parties I went to before meeting Matt are a little hazy. My favorite party was his 30th birthday party. We found out I was pregnant that morning and announced it by putting a baby carriage in the grass of his football field cake. He had fun while we played a trivia game based on facts from the year he was born.

5.  If you had time to volunteer to help out an organization (or if you do already) which organization or cause would it be and how would you help them?
I really want to start helping the scleroderma research foundation as well as pulmonary hypertension research. The only things I can really do for them is raise money to help fund research grants and projects, so I've been trying to come up with fundraising ideas. My mom has both of these horrific diseases and there's not a lot of media or publicity for them.
Tag! You’re it!

Your Questions:  (copy and paste these in your post!)

1.  What is your idea of the perfect date and have you ever been on it?
2.  If you have a kid or kids, what's the funniest thing they've ever done...if not, what's the funniest thing you've seen someone else's kid do?
3.  What is your guilty pleasure and why?
4.  Who do you admire most and why?
5.  What did you want to be when you grew up as a child? Are you doing it?


  1. 1. What is your idea of the perfect date and have you ever been on it?

    I guess my idea of the perfect date would be a really great movie (I love going to the movies) and dinner out. I would say that Craig (my sweet husband) and I had a perfect date a few weeks ago. We went and saw "The Vow" which was so incredibly awesome and then ate soup and sandwiches at Panera. The perfect part of it was talking together and laughing together. He's my favorite person to be with.

    2. If you have a kid or kids, what's the funniest thing they've ever done...if not, what's the funniest thing you've seen someone else's kid do?

    My kids crack me up all the time, but I will share a Gracie (my 10 year old) story with you. Gracie was around 2 at the time and our church was making a vast effort the memorize scripture. The one for that particular week was John 3:17. Well, Gracie had been warned that if she didn't get quiet and go to sleep she was going to get a spanking (yes, we spank). Needless to say she had trouble settling down, so I went in her room to administer her punishment. Much to my surprise as I start spanking her she started quoting 'For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world....' Lets just say she didn't really get much of a spanking.

    3. What is your guilty pleasure and why?

    Dove chocolate...need I explain why.

    4. Who do you admire most and why?

    I most admire Jesus because He gave everything for me knowing that I could never repay Him.

    5. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child? Are you doing it?

    When I was a child I always wanted to be a teacher and a momma. I was able to get my degree in education, and now I have the honor of staying at home with my children. I will forever be thankful to God and Craig for allowing me to do what I love.


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