Angry Mom

 I attended a tea party meeting Monday night to speak out against the real issues our kids are facing. I expected to be surrounded by many people with very different opinions and beliefs, but what I wasn’t expecting was to hear them talking about how masks and vaccines are still two of the challenges we’re facing. As a mom of two daughters in school, I’m tired of listening to groups claiming to care about children but doing nothing about the real problems our children are facing. The number one killer of our children is guns. Not books, not drag queens, but guns. Republicans are choosing to literally let our children die on this hill and continue watching them be murdered in schools across our country because you are more concerned with believing that your child will decide they are gay or trans and not do anything about the gun violence that is a real threat. Teachers are not indoctrinating your children. Teachers are trying to keep our children alive and hopefully help them learn and feel safe and loved along the way. As someone who grew up very sheltered, I can tell you that it is much more harmful to have our children leave home only knowing what you want them to know and not learning that there are people not like them in the world and learning to respect everyone. Why don’t you learn to love your children for who they are no matter what that turns out to be? When will you stop teaching your children that the very people working to make the world a better place are the enemy? Republicans keep claiming to be so pro-life and pro-family, but they are unwilling to do anything to keep our children that are already here alive. They keep saying guns aren’t the problem when they are most definitely a large part of the problem. However, even if we go with their idea of what the problem is, they say it’s mental health. So, if we have a mental health problem, why aren’t we funding mental health care?!? The problem with our mass shootings is 1. Most certainly guns. 2. Mental health. 3. Republicans actively legislating against both. 4. Almost every gun has been purchased legally. Either the shooter got the gun as a gift, bought it legally, or took it from someone that bought it legally. 5. Some were able to legally buy guns because the state they live in doesn’t have red flag laws. 6. Parents and teachers are being ignored when they say they’re concerned about their child/student. See, there are so very many parts to this problem and many Republicans are still actively ignoring them all!


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