Why are we against marching?
As usual, I have controversial opinions on lots of things, but recently, there has been an uproar over the marches that have gone on since Trump came into office. So many are asking why they're necessary and reducing participants to whiny snowflakes. The problem with that is if they were snowflakes, by the definition of fragile and easily upset, they wouldn't be marching. They would stay home and just send thoughts and prayers that the problems would just disappear. We have had a women's march as well as a march for lives.
I hear that there's no reason for a women's march as women are treated equally and therefore have no right to complain. This is just not true. Women are not treated equally, despite progress that has been made. Most of the women that were marching weren't marching for themselves, but for those that aren't able because they're not treated as an individual. There are still many industries, in our own country, that don't pay or hire qualified women at the same rates as men. We still have expectations, hidden more than obvious anymore, that if a married couple decides to have children, the woman is supposed to do most of the work taking care of the children and if one stays home and doesn't work, it's supposed to be the woman. Now, to be fair, I do also have to mention the #metoo movement. This has been another very important consequence of the Trump presidency. While I am 100% in favor of this movement because we have far too long ignored the problem of sexual assault and abuse in our country, there is another side. Men are scared now. They're scared to flirt with women because they fear the potential negative consequences. Are we really wanting to go so far that we're going to say that people flirting are horrible people?!? How else do two people begin a relationship and find out if they're attracted to each other? Yes, men...and women, have become too comfortable with being able to slap butts and make nasty jokes about each other, but that is far from the same thing as sexually assaulting someone or abusing someone! One last unpopular opinion on this, if women don't want to be objectified, don't wear clothing that is going to make men stare. As someone that was once a young woman, I can say with certainty that if you're dressing provocatively, you're doing it for attention. I say this because I once did this. I dressed in skimpy clothes to get attention from guys, get free drinks at parties or clubs, or any other benefit I could find. We should be teaching our daughters that while it absolutely doesn't matter what they wear it doesn't give anyone the right to touch them, they don't get to choose who flirts with them and makes comments. You can't get upset because the person you were seeking the attention from isn't the one that responds. Teach your daughters to dress modestly. You can absolutely be beautiful and even sexy without showing everything you have to the world.
The other thing I have heard is that the march for lives is 1. about banning guns and 2. ridiculous because these kids should have been nicer to the kid that killed their friends. First, the walk was never about banning guns. The walk was in response to all of the mass shootings we have had with no response to try and prevent further shootings. These kids went to their state representatives and were actually told that porn is a bigger issue, so they weren't going to talk to them about the shootings. Really?!? When has porn killed anyone? I mean, maybe because porn is definitely more important to our president, but no. Again, they're called spoiled brats that are snowflakes. If either were the case, they would have sat back and expected someone else to handle it and they wouldn't have marched for sure. The only thing anyone wants is to make it more difficult for someone to do this again. No, we won't ever be able to make enough laws to prevent all crime, but if we never made laws against anything, we wouldn't have anyone in jail. Not being able to keep drunk drivers off of the street doesn't keep cops from impounding their vehicles, arresting them, and taking away their licenses. As for these kids needing to be nicer to the shooter to prevent the shooting, again, really?!? First, I think everyone at some point in their life has been or will be treated badly. While it would be a wonderful world if it didn't happen, I don't get to blame the kid that punched me in 1st grade for losing my mind and shooting up a school one day. Are people that are abused by their spouses supposed to accept blame because something caused them to beat or murder them? Can we all just stop acting so morally superior?!?
While I haven't participated in any of the walks, I absolutely support the people that have done so, peacefully. There have been people, for and against, that have been vile and I think that negates the message. Change doesn't happen unless someone stands up for something they believe is wrong. It's not time to tell people they're wrong and ridiculous, it's time we come together, talk together, and try to help each other make positive differences in our world. There are many walks that could take place because there are still SO many things we need to change! We don't have quality health care, we don't have respect for people with disabilities, we don't support the moms and families of those that choose life and need help. We support staying comfortably ignorant of all issues that don't affect us and there are finally people that have had enough and are saying "No more!". These walks aren't against things, they're for positive change. If you're against the walks, ask yourself why. No one has asked you to participate, so why are you so upset by them? No one is asking you to visit your local representatives, so if you're happy with the way things are, why are you so upset that someone wants change? I have some ideas, but I am going to let you think on that.
I hear that there's no reason for a women's march as women are treated equally and therefore have no right to complain. This is just not true. Women are not treated equally, despite progress that has been made. Most of the women that were marching weren't marching for themselves, but for those that aren't able because they're not treated as an individual. There are still many industries, in our own country, that don't pay or hire qualified women at the same rates as men. We still have expectations, hidden more than obvious anymore, that if a married couple decides to have children, the woman is supposed to do most of the work taking care of the children and if one stays home and doesn't work, it's supposed to be the woman. Now, to be fair, I do also have to mention the #metoo movement. This has been another very important consequence of the Trump presidency. While I am 100% in favor of this movement because we have far too long ignored the problem of sexual assault and abuse in our country, there is another side. Men are scared now. They're scared to flirt with women because they fear the potential negative consequences. Are we really wanting to go so far that we're going to say that people flirting are horrible people?!? How else do two people begin a relationship and find out if they're attracted to each other? Yes, men...and women, have become too comfortable with being able to slap butts and make nasty jokes about each other, but that is far from the same thing as sexually assaulting someone or abusing someone! One last unpopular opinion on this, if women don't want to be objectified, don't wear clothing that is going to make men stare. As someone that was once a young woman, I can say with certainty that if you're dressing provocatively, you're doing it for attention. I say this because I once did this. I dressed in skimpy clothes to get attention from guys, get free drinks at parties or clubs, or any other benefit I could find. We should be teaching our daughters that while it absolutely doesn't matter what they wear it doesn't give anyone the right to touch them, they don't get to choose who flirts with them and makes comments. You can't get upset because the person you were seeking the attention from isn't the one that responds. Teach your daughters to dress modestly. You can absolutely be beautiful and even sexy without showing everything you have to the world.
The other thing I have heard is that the march for lives is 1. about banning guns and 2. ridiculous because these kids should have been nicer to the kid that killed their friends. First, the walk was never about banning guns. The walk was in response to all of the mass shootings we have had with no response to try and prevent further shootings. These kids went to their state representatives and were actually told that porn is a bigger issue, so they weren't going to talk to them about the shootings. Really?!? When has porn killed anyone? I mean, maybe because porn is definitely more important to our president, but no. Again, they're called spoiled brats that are snowflakes. If either were the case, they would have sat back and expected someone else to handle it and they wouldn't have marched for sure. The only thing anyone wants is to make it more difficult for someone to do this again. No, we won't ever be able to make enough laws to prevent all crime, but if we never made laws against anything, we wouldn't have anyone in jail. Not being able to keep drunk drivers off of the street doesn't keep cops from impounding their vehicles, arresting them, and taking away their licenses. As for these kids needing to be nicer to the shooter to prevent the shooting, again, really?!? First, I think everyone at some point in their life has been or will be treated badly. While it would be a wonderful world if it didn't happen, I don't get to blame the kid that punched me in 1st grade for losing my mind and shooting up a school one day. Are people that are abused by their spouses supposed to accept blame because something caused them to beat or murder them? Can we all just stop acting so morally superior?!?
While I haven't participated in any of the walks, I absolutely support the people that have done so, peacefully. There have been people, for and against, that have been vile and I think that negates the message. Change doesn't happen unless someone stands up for something they believe is wrong. It's not time to tell people they're wrong and ridiculous, it's time we come together, talk together, and try to help each other make positive differences in our world. There are many walks that could take place because there are still SO many things we need to change! We don't have quality health care, we don't have respect for people with disabilities, we don't support the moms and families of those that choose life and need help. We support staying comfortably ignorant of all issues that don't affect us and there are finally people that have had enough and are saying "No more!". These walks aren't against things, they're for positive change. If you're against the walks, ask yourself why. No one has asked you to participate, so why are you so upset by them? No one is asking you to visit your local representatives, so if you're happy with the way things are, why are you so upset that someone wants change? I have some ideas, but I am going to let you think on that.
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