Heart of the matter

I want to get some things out there that are on my heart. This election has been one of the craziest ever! I think everyone can agree that there's never been such heat surrounding a presidential election...even when Obama was elected. Everyone that knows me most likely knows my views, but I would like to expand on the heart of my views.
First of all, these two precious girls need to grow up feeling they are valued and can do anything they want! I don't want them to ever question their worth or be punished for the rest of their lives for a bad mistake.
I want to say that healthcare is important and should be a guarantee for every American and it should be affordable. It shouldn't cost more than your mortgage payment to insure your family. You shouldn't have to pay hundreds of dollars for any medication...especially when you have health insurance. We have to make preventative medicine affordable for everyone or we'll never get the cost of medicine under control. People that have chronic health conditions are already paying more than everyone else because they have more frequent doctor visits and they're paying for medications to manage their illness(es).
A woman shouldn't have to pay for a mistake she made for the rest of her life. A woman should be able to enjoy herself...whether she chooses to drink alcohol or not...and not fear she'll be raped and her rapist be the victim. If a woman is pregnant, she shouldn't be forced to have the baby. Yes, this is a super hot topic and especially for me being a Christian woman, but imagine that you find yourself in a position you never imagined. Imagine for a moment that either a bad decision or being raped ends in a pregnancy. Should this woman pay for this for the rest of her life? Let's get to the real hear of this issue...we want women to have these babies and put them up for adoption. Have you ever carried a child in your body and then have to give them up? I'm going to guess no. Have you ever found yourself pregnant, wanting to keep the baby, but you know it would cause a huge financial hardship on your family, the father of the baby doesn't want it or anything to do with you if you have it, and you don't know what to do? I'm going to guess no again. We want these women to have these babies, but what are we doing to help them after the baby comes? Are we going to babysit while they work? Are we going to buy them diapers and formula because they can't afford to take care of their baby? If we're really pro-life, these are the issues we need to work on. We can't just be anti-abortion. Let's help make sure these women can finish their education so they can provide for their family and not have to be on government assistance. Let's love these teenage girls that made a mistake, but are still beautiful, valuable humans. Let's  be pro-life and help and love the humans we have here on earth! Let's make adoption more affordable and easy for people that want babies and can't have them. It shouldn't cost more to adopt an unwanted baby than to have an abortion! Let's make women feel and never question their value and worth no matter what bad life choices they've made in the past and help them move on and be better!
Lastly, as a country founded on religious freedom, we should celebrate the fact that everyone is entitled to worship however they choose. As a Christian, I don't want someone telling me that I can't pray or go to church when I want. As a nonChristian, I imagine people don't want to be forced to believe in Jesus and pray to a God they don't believe in. We need to learn to truly love each other regardless of our beliefs and appreciate the differences! Learn about another culture, learn about another religion. It doesn't mean you have to move somewhere or change your beliefs, but it could help you appreciate other people more and see their value. We're all worth something and we all have a place in the world. We all have valuable gifts and we just need to find them and share them.
I have probably as many friends that voted for Trump as did Clinton or someone else and I hope you know that I sincerely love you...each of you! I may not understand why you voted the way you did and I definitely don't see the same traits in Trump that you do that made you vote for him, but that's what makes this country such a wonderful place to live. I am not and never will root against our country's president...now or in the future...because that's not smart and it's not morally right. I am hoping that my friends that voted for Trump are right about him and I am praying that I am wrong! Love to you all and I pray that we always work to find common ground to make our country and our world a better place! I am willing to do my part and I'm more than happy to jump in if any of you need me for anything!


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