The man behind the woman

Tomorrow will be our 10th Valentine's Day together, so I wanted to devote a blog post to the man that has been by my side. Many people have no idea just how amazing he is. Matt is the kind of guy that is happy to be in the background, but will voice his opinion when he has a strong one. He has never done anything for the purpose of someone noticing or giving him a compliment. Matt has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know.

In October of 2004, we began dating. Soon after, I moved to Florida to be closer to my mom since she had a lot of health problems and was looking at having a double lung transplant. Matt soon began visiting on a regular basis and spoiled me from the onset of our relationship. Anytime he was going to visit, I'd get a delivery of flowers at work and since the beginning of our relationship, I've received flowers on every Valentine's day, birthday, and anniversary. We were engaged in May of 2005 and married in May of 2006.

In February of 2007, we moved to Jacksonville, FL to be in the same city as my mom. He readily accepted that I saw my mom multiple times a week and talked to her at least once a day. When my mom got back from her trip to Africa and didn't have a place to stay, he welcomed her into our home like he would have his own mother and didn't complain! He always helped out whether it was replacing lighting fixtures, going to her new house while she was gone to replace all the faceplates to be just like she wanted, fixing little things that happened, helping my brother with his broken down car, anything he could do, he would do.

He has always been a very thoughtful gift giver also! He's one that will do things for no reason and I often find flowers randomly brought home for me. When it came time for my mom's birthdays and Christmas, he would think of gifts that I didn't even think of for her that she had mentioned wanting months ago.

When it came time for my mom to have to have major surgery, Matt readily stepped up and took her dog to our house and took care of 3 dogs, our cat, and our child while I spent time with my mom and family at the hospital. I barely had to ask him to do this and once again, he never complained. About a year later when my mom's cancer came back, he would take care of our sick child by himself knowing I couldn't be around her and then go be with my mom during her chemo treatments. When my mom went in the hospital and we found out she'd be admitted, he went to her house and picked up her dog. He took care of all the animals and our child again, while I spent much needed time with my mom and family at the hospital. When my mom was discharged home with hospice care, he never complained that he didn't see me and readily stepped up to take care of our daughter and creatures with the help of his mom that came to help out.

I don't know too many men that do so much without being asked and without recognition and I truly am more thankful than I show. I am truly a lucky girl to have met this amazing guy back in 2003 and to now have a precious family with our beautiful daughter with him. I love you truly more than I can say!


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