A working mom's heart
To start with a brutally honest secret, I never wanted to be a mom. Until I met my husband, I never had any desire to have a child. Even when I decided that I'd like to be a mom, I never had a desire to be a stay-at-home mom. I believe part of that has come from needing to feel like my child and I would survive if something happened to my husband. Another part of it comes from a need to identify myself as more than a wife and mom. Please know that my most prized titles are "Matt's wife" and "Anabeth's mom". Those are my two biggest accomplishments in my life that money can't buy. I can sincerely say that if everything were to disappear today, and I still had the two of them with me, I would still feel like everything would be ok. Though I choose to still work, and my husband says I need to work, it doesn't give back the piece of my heart that leaves me every single day when I either drop Anabeth off at school or leave to go to work. I never cou...