Going Night Night
A few minutes ago, I was putting my girl to bed. She was trying to delay, so she had mommy read a story and then she read it to me. She finally decided I needed to lay down with her for a little bit so I obliged. She tells me she needs her blanket and that I need it too. Out of the blue she tells me, "my birthday is coming up." I agreed and she told me "Emily's going to share my cake with me". Then she looks at me and says, "Mommy, I have a cup and you don't have a cup...you're too big". I thought it was pretty funny...probably partly due to my lack of sleep...but funny all the same so I start laughing. She touches my mouth gently and said, "It's not funny mommy". I try to stop laughing but can't so she says, "I said not funny mommy!". Guess mommy was too rowdy so she asked for daddy to come lay down with her for a little bit. That child is the most precious thing in the world and though she drives me absolutely crazy at times, I'm so blessed God gave her to me! She blows me away with how smart she is and how fast she's growing up! It's nice that she can communicate so well and so young, but I definitely miss her baby stages sometimes...it's bittersweet watching her grow up!
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