Being Mommy and Daddy

A friend's post on facebook today made me think. I was never one of those little girls that dreamed of one day growing up to be a mommy. In fact, as most of my family and friends will tell you, I said I never wanted kids. I never babysat and really liked very few children! One of the most precious things in my world now though is a little 2 1/2 year old girl named Anabeth. As much as I never thought I wanted a child, I can't imagine my life without her in it! She brings much joy and much anger sometimes within minutes of each other! She is a very good, sweet child though for the most part and there's nothing better than a hug and kiss and her telling me she loves me! Those moments wipe away all the bad ones in one quick second! She has also provided much entertainment for Matt and I over the past couple of years. Watching her grow up at lightening speed has been bittersweet I have to admit because I miss my baby, but love...