Even at its best, life is hard

I think most people can say that 2020 was quite the year. I am hoping that everyone was able to find more good than bad, but honestly, it was a crap show that never stopped. 2021 was the promise of "normalcy" returning, right? 2021 has been just as insane for me personally, but also in general. We're still in the midst of a pandemic, though, thanks to science, we have an end in sight. We're still struggling with politics on all sides. For me personally, I decided, after years of wanting to, to finally apply for grad school and start. It was "perfect timing" since both of my girls would be in school and we wouldn't be paying for daycare. My company offered tuition reimbursement, so I would be able to take 3-4 classes a year and only have to pay for one myself. Cut to my company now deciding that they're no longer going to offer tuition reimbursement... in the middle of my first class. You can now only potentially get reimbursed if a degree ...