My little miracle

This precious child you see is Charlotte. If you're my friend, you know her! This picture depicts her personality perfectly! I wanted to share, for any of you that may not know, a little of her story. First, I have to say that this sweet girl definitely has some of her Mimi's traits in her! I've never met anyone, outside of the two of them, that could smile through any situation! Charlotte's story is a powerful story of an unplanned, but very wanted, baby that has overcome so many obstacles and already has her journey changing people's lives! It's been more difficult for me because in the past, I would always have my mom by my side to get me through really hard times and I haven't had that for over 4 years now. When we found out there was something wrong with Charlotte, I was just around 20 weeks pregnant and at our gender reveal ultrasound. They didn't know what exactly was wrong until after she was born. She lived in Orlando for 7 of the first 8 we...