
Showing posts from November, 2012

Hope in this crazy world

Life is tough. It doesn't seem to get easier as time goes on...only harder. Thankfully I'm learning to look for the bright spots whether it's a minute of a day or an entire day that I can keep with me to make me smile when I don't want to. This year has been the toughest so far and mostly for the obvious reason of not having my mom anymore. It's still so surreal to me that she's not here, but I have a great peace knowing not only that she's not suffering, but having the faith and hope that she's now with Jesus. I know not all of my friends share my beliefs and I would never want to push my beliefs on anyone else, but for me, without this hope, I don't know how I'd get through a lot of days! From the words of "Forgive Me" by Group1Crew... "You couldn't pay me to abandon the idea of true hope; That I could make it through this life into a place where there's no crying; I'm dying to find You with open arms when I go; Kno...