72 hours

72 hours can seem so long or like a second flashed by. For me, 72 hours starting Saturday morning were like a snail going on the Appalachain trail! Saturday morning Anabeth woke up with a fever between 101 and 102. I gave her some Ibuprofen and she got better. I went to church for a thing called "Mix It Up" and then went home and got some lunch. Anabeth took a nap and her temperature started to go up again slowly and she wasn't herself. Matt went to the store to get some things for dinner since we weren't going to be able to leave and while he was gone, she tells me she has to throw up. Well, she ends up getting sick 4 or 5 times Saturday night/early Sunday morning and her temperature creeps back up to over 102. With her vomiting, I wasn't going to give her any medicine. When I woke up Sunday, her temperature seemed basically gone and she seemed much better. I left for church and after class, Matt sends me a message that she g...